Gannett merges its Somerville Journal and Medford Transcript newspapers as BINJ’s Somerville News Garden project and the Somerville Media Center launch a new municipal foundation to fund local journalism
A Home in the Digital World
Gannett merges its Somerville Journal and Medford Transcript newspapers as BINJ’s Somerville News Garden project and the Somerville Media Center launch a new municipal foundation to fund local journalism
GBH needs to start inviting Dig and BINJ reporters to appear on its local news and public affairs shows
DigBoston hosts the premiere indy newspaper convention at a difficult moment for journalism
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Environmental organizations and individual activists invited to submit opinion articles for publication
[W]hen you vote for Biden—whether you “hold your nose” or not when doing it—remember what you’re going to get with the next Democratic administration: a nicer Trump administration.
Without your help, we can’t serve democracy by reporting the news
[W]e’re asking all journalists, journalism educators, journalism students, media reform activists, and DigBoston readers who agree that the state journalism commission should be created to call your Mass state senator today and ask him/her to tell Sens. Eric Lesser (D – Longmeadow), Michael Rodrigues (D – Somerset), and Patrick O’Connor (D – Weymouth), who are on the conference committee, to keep the journalism commission in the final economic development bill.
[W]e’re asking all readers who are concerned about the collapse of local news media to contact your state representative and ask them to cosponsor Amendment #40 of H. 4879. The more cosponsors the amendment has, the more likely House Ways and Means will pass it. If that happens it has a good chance of making it through the full legislative process for this session. And becoming a law. Which would be a promising outcome for the future of local news in the Commonwealth.
A Wild Ride Gets Wilder… and #BlackLivesMatter