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NOTES FROM THE #PANDEMIC: 3.11.20 DIGBOSTON UPDATE. The first of what will likely (and sadly) become a regular series. Tips to … #coronavirus #COVID19 #journalism #news #Boston #Massachusetts #justice #democracy #mapoli

NOTES FROM THE : 3.11.20 DIGBOSTON UPDATE. The first of what will likely (and sadly) become a regular series. Tips to …

Source: @jasonpramas Twitter account feed
NOTES FROM THE #PANDEMIC: 3.11.20 DIGBOSTON UPDATE. The first of what will likely (and sadly) become a regular series. Tips to … #coronavirus #COVID19 #journalism #news #Boston #Massachusetts #justice #democracy #mapoli

An email—forwarded anonymously to DigBoston—has been sent by the @Harvard admin to its staff stating employees can take up to 14 "unearned" sick days due to the #coronavirus, but may have to pay the school back if they lose their job before "rebuilding" sick time" #mapoli #labor

An email—forwarded anonymously to DigBoston—has been sent by the admin to its staff stating employees can take up to 14 “unearned” sick days due to the , but may have to pay the school back if they lose their job before “rebuilding” sick time”

Source: @jasonpramas Twitter account feed
An email—forwarded anonymously to DigBoston—has been sent by the @Harvard admin to its staff stating employees can take up to 14 “unearned” sick days due to the #coronavirus, but may have to pay the school back if they lose their job before “rebuilding” sick time” #mapoli #labor

Benefit watch party for BINJ tonight at at 7:30pm at Atwood’s Tavern, 877 Cambridge St in East Cambridge! Thanks to Atwood’s folks for supporting us totally unbidden! @AtwoodsTvrn #mapoli

Benefit watch party for BINJ tonight at at 7:30pm at Atwood’s Tavern, 877 Cambridge St in East Cambridge! Thanks to Atwood’s folks for supporting us totally unbidden!

Source: @jasonpramas Twitter account feed
Benefit watch party for BINJ tonight at at 7:30pm at Atwood’s Tavern, 877 Cambridge St in East Cambridge! Thanks to Atwood’s folks for supporting us totally unbidden! @AtwoodsTvrn #mapoli

@jasonpramas Just read the piece in @DigBoston about the recent passing of your Father. My condolences. I attended the Bernie Rally on the Common earlier and was totally gobsmacked at the size of the throng!

Just read the piece in about the recent passing of your Father. My condolences. I attended the Bernie Rally on the Common earlier and was totally gobsmacked at the size of the throng!

Source: @jasonpramas Twitter account feed
@jasonpramas Just read the piece in @DigBoston about the recent passing of your Father. My condolences. I attended the Bernie Rally on the Common earlier and was totally gobsmacked at the size of the throng!

Powerful piece by my friend @jasonpramas on why he's voting for Bernie and why this country needs Medicare for All …

Powerful piece by my friend on why he’s voting for Bernie and why this country needs Medicare for All …

Source: @jasonpramas Twitter account feed
Powerful piece by my friend @jasonpramas on why he’s voting for Bernie and why this country needs Medicare for All …